Firstly, we hope that this message finds you well and making the best of our challenging times.

It’s been a little while since our last post, so felt that a gentle reflection on where we are right now, and some thoughts about future outcomes would be appropriate.

At the beginning of 2021, we find the United States of America under new management and with a fundamentally different agenda from the previous administration.

An immediate focus on climate change is an encouraging sign, but there is no doubt President Biden has his work cut-out to build back America’s place in the World.

In the UK, we are in yet another lock-down situation, but the COVID-19 vaccination program is well under way, albeit there are varying levels of roll-out across the country.

This website is a very interesting look at all statistics you might ever want to know about Coronavirus.

Judging by the conversations with our clients around the performance of their investments, we feel that whilst the market continue to show some levels of volatility, overall performance has been steady.

Our long-term buy and hold philosophy seems to have been borne out, in fact largely by being patient, not panicking and making knee jerk reactions through the pandemic, we have benefited, meaning that portfolios and savings are in good shape.

We’ve also seen an “uncoupling” of the markets from the wider economy as Government around the World are seen as the lender of last resort, and willing to shoulder the fiscal burden of the Pandemic.

There is an element of “kicking the can” down the road however, as we increase borrowing and how and when this might be resolved or come back to bite us, is very much an unknown.

Technology has allowed the business to function as normal (without the cup of coffee!), and we see this continuing for a some time to come.

More clients than ever have signed up for our Personal Financial Portal (PFP), and we’re are encouraged that it’s working well

Finally, we recognise that having a robust financial plan in place has given many people the comfort and security they need right now, and we look forward to catching up with you all over the coming months.

Roland, Niki and Jonathan


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